Lil Red - SJ restoration - Preparing the Roll Bar


James wanted a genuine rollbar for his SJ. Now we realise that these roll bars are little more than show items, they are not a competition grade roll bar but it is a factory restore so needs a factory roll bar.

We eventually found one on Ebay. It was not easy to find one but it has been even harder to restore it!. It comes with a white "plastic" coat that at first appears easy to remove as the rust is lifting it up. I took it to the Powder Coaters and they sent it back saying that it simply melted and flowed back whenever they blasted it. In other words, it could be done but would be too expensive in time and money. I then tried sanding, burning with a blow torch and peeling with a sharp edge. It simply would not come off. It took an abrasive wire wheel in an Angle Grinder and close on 4 hours work to shift it.

  1510 Hits

Lil Red - SJ restoration - Welding has started!


The restoration has turned a corner, things are starting to go back together rather than come apart.

The welding has started with patching/repairs of holes. 

NOTE: These pictures show work in progress, not necessarily completed, 

The most common place for corrosion on both SJ and later Jimnys is around the body mount behind the front seats.

The bodywork here is a sandwich of steel panels. Here the top panel has been cut and removed to reveal the rust in the panel behind which has then been cut out and removed (you can see the body mount!)

The holes are then plated over, closing them up.

  5596 Hits

Lil Red - SJ restoration - Patching completed


 Work is really progressing this week over at Winchfield Engineering. The welding patching to the bodywork is complete. The welds have been ground back smooth and now a protective coat of epoxy and Cobra (for the undersides) is put on in the paint shop to protect the bare metal until the full painting starts.

The next stage should see the wings being re-fitted.

  1481 Hits

Another SJ Build - Sam's Yellow SJ - An update


Sam has sent in an update on the progress of his SJ. Many thanks Sam!

These SJ restoration projects are proving popular at the moment, if you have some work in progress why not send in the details to show them on this website? 

As you can see, the body was stripped of all major components and then removed from the chassis.

In Sam's case this was to assist in a planned upgrade from the 4 speed gearbox to a 5 speed along with a general rebuild of the transmission.

  1810 Hits

Another SJ Build - Sam's Yellow SJ


Sam Emery spotted the start of the work on our SJ and sent over a few pictures of his own build which is starting at the same time as ours. 

  1525 Hits
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