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Jimny Friends!


"Jimny Friends"

An inpromptu meetup at "The Range" in Bracknell whilst shopping

It had to be done.......

Great to meet and chat with fellow owners.

  121 Hits

Lil Red - SJ restoration - New canvas


 WIth the weather now drying out it was time to try the new canvas out.

  1514 Hits

Lil Red - SJ restoration - Detailing


A bit of a jump in blog posts, with the SJ approaching completion it was off for some detailing work.

It was a really wet and windy evening when we set out!

  1185 Hits

Another SJ Build - Sam's Yellow SJ - More pictures


Sam has sent in some further pictures of his SJ in build. 

I remember this stage with James' Jimny, it is really exciting when the project changes from disassembly to re-assembly, it really feels like progress when you hit this stage,

The yellow is looking really smart.

  3410 Hits

Brazilian Jimny


Thanks to jimnyexpeditionbrazil for posting some pictures of his Jimny from Bazil.

The great thing about Brazil is that they have very much gone their own way which means Dealers supply the 4x4's in modified form with Suzuki Brazil catalogue modification parts. This should be a world wide standard, in my opinion.

  3787 Hits
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