# Avatar Rank Username points
2221 Cobbo 0
2222 avoguay 0
2223 marcusk 0
2224 Thatbluejimny 0
2225 Simpson 0
2226 Saxophone 0
2227 neilaircon 0
2228 cyclingdevil 0
2229 Bailey1 0
2231 law 0
2232 Larry G 0
2233 Samaya 0
2234 Wilko1971 0
2235 Pajoe 0
2236 levrattich 0
2237 McLauchlan 0
2238 Richo 0
2239 Floss2864 0
2240 Jimmyjimbob19 0
2241 Gassycow 0
2242 Zook Shack 0
2243 Obelix 0
2244 Iain 0
2245 plattg 0
2246 Bandit69 0
2247 Danabdn88 0
2248 SarahG 0
2249 PaddyMcRebel 0
2250 Jimney 2007 0


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