# Avatar Rank Username points
2131 Howes 0
2132 shakeel 0
2133 Ncg50 0
2134 Fredoo 0
2135 jacob124 0
2136 centrora 0
2137 Nard Jimny 0
2138 Dazjimny1979 0
2139 Chris_26 0
2140 CriMan777 0
2141 HoBo 0
2142 Chrishort 0
2143 Panda 0
2144 Kiffy 0
2145 Ivangarage85 0
2146 Muncus 0
2147 Reecestewart0 0
2148 scottydog 0
2149 curtz42 0
2150 Sutman 0
2151 lowey 0
2152 Benson72 0
2153 itzshivamshekhawat 0
2154 llrb 0
2155 x_crasher 0
2156 Sergisur 0
2157 NickNJL 0
2158 mikeisneat 0
2159 Fontiftetle 0
2160 Wazza67 0


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