# Avatar Rank Username points
2161 afraidofstormz 0
2162 GCSX 0
2163 Reecestewart0 0
2164 Kevpod 0
2165 Screaming Bird 0
2166 Koban 0
2167 Rider404 0
2168 Yerespeed 0
2169 FdL 0
2170 ATB 0
2171 geechi 0
2172 marmalade 0
2173 Colin2 0
2174 nicolaou 0
2175 taffnewell1@hotmail.co.uk 0
2176 Dargan 0
2177 DavidStarley 0
2178 Djames 0
2179 Keyman 0
2180 rayumadoktor 0
2181 allan 0
2182 Colneech 0
2183 JMC 0
2184 jjamboree 0
2185 Rhiohno 0
2186 Iarc 0
2187 jimny08fkt 0
2188 lostcause 0
2189 jro1 0
2190 Russ1956 0


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