# Avatar Rank Username points
2191 fbjimny 0
2192 kinetic 0
2193 SpeeLaT 0
2194 Huseyn 0
2195 kempy 0
2196 Leedixon95 0
2197 Bihemot 0
2198 shhbfa 0
2199 HoBo 0
2200 lynxu 0
2201 a2jcy 0
2202 ashzuki 0
2203 Bemergi 0
2204 Guy 0
2205 Nik 0
2206 Jerimny 0
2207 jammerjimny600 0
2208 chrisbingham 0
2209 ianlea46 0
2210 Big belbin 0
2211 Bel00 0
2212 NickT 0
2213 Kev 0
2214 Zacatac 0
2215 VinceRoar 0
2216 Greeniemd 0
2217 Liz 0
2218 Jimnynutter 0
2219 mcdowej 0
2220 kalilo 0


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