Subcategories from this category:

SJ Rebuild

13/11/10 - Marats Jimny - updated

Marat has just bought a new Jimny, its a different style to those we get over here in the UK.

  7817 Hits

19/10/10 - TonkaJimnys Jimny

TonkaJimny (Stuart) has sent in some pictures of his Jimny.

  7864 Hits

10/09/10 - Clintons Jimny - Updated

Clinton has sent in some more pictures of his Jimny out and about.

  7713 Hits

28/06/10 - Mitchells Jimny

Mitchell has sent in some pictures of his Jimny from Portugal. Many thanks!

  9091 Hits

28/06/10 - Terrys Jimny - Updated!

Terry has sent in some more pictures of his Jimny at Tong, I have added them into his other pictures and made them a slide show

  8460 Hits
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