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Old Man Emu vs Des Sol

Don't over grease your CV's!!

Don't over grease your CV's!!

So, as described in the previous blog post (  I am chasing down a wobble prior to selling LittleJimny. I am preparing a "How to" video but here is an advance finding from my work. The previous owner must have had the Kingpin Bearings changed at so...

  8555 Hits

LittleJimny - Steering Wobble

Christmas is when we take LittleJimny off the road and into the garage for a service. This year is a bit different as LittleJimny is going up for sale soon as James is looking to change to a different car. Therefore I need to sort some things out. The first is a little steering wobble..... Of course, this is only a small wobble compared to what it ...

  13783 Hits

ARB air line repair

ARB air line repair

​When the rear axle was ripped off its mount it looks as if the air fitting for the ARB locker was damage. The air fitting consists of pipework fitted through what ARB call a bulkhead fitting. This has pulled out of the diff casing. ​The ARB was not fitted by me and I do not have the instructions. However Google shows that this fitting should be in...

  10661 Hits

LittleJimny grows up

LittleJimny grows up

James is now old enough and held a licence long enough (19 years old and 2 years driving) for Adrian Flux to offer reasonably priced insurance on a modified vehicle. Therefore he wanted a lift for his Jimny.

  14379 Hits

Fitting new Bits4Vits shock bushes

Fitting new Bits4Vits shock bushes

I have been playing around with fitting the shocks upside down to see if it improved clearance. However, now that I am rebuilding the Jimny, it is time to return it to "normal".

  9895 Hits
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