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Dave’s long-term Lil’Bugga Buggy Build

28 Nov 2022 21:12 #246147 by X8GGY
Rear (Yes it’s a front - four wheel steer) axle reassembled…



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  • The quickest Jimny in Harrogate...(that I own)
29 Nov 2022 04:16 #246148 by Lambert
Looking good.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!
The following user(s) said Thank You: X8GGY

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05 Dec 2022 19:56 - 05 Dec 2022 19:57 #246237 by X8GGY
Bit more this afternoon...


4 x one metre lengths of 25mm ID 3mm Wall Seamless Tube...

And a couple of standard length steering bars...


Fought for ages, blow torch helped in the end. - to get the old track rod ends off! Then cleaned, cut and ready for...


Found a bar to fit inside the hollow tube to weld to...


Whilst cutting the seamless tube sleeve to length I cut the offcut down the middle to make a good welding guide to get the narrowed bar straight...


Bar welded and ground back to fit into the seamless tube sleeve that has now been drilled ready for puddle welding, and the ends left short enough to also weld to the original narrowed bar...


All welded up, tidied back flat, new track rod ends added, and then popped onto the completed narrowed rear axle...

Onto the front axle next then! 
Last edit: 05 Dec 2022 19:57 by X8GGY.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lambert, Soeley

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17 Jan 2023 09:18 - 17 Jan 2023 09:34 #246955 by X8GGY
The festive period out of the way, my foot is improving, and I'm back in work but we've changed the shifts around a bit so that I'm now working around 42 hours a week instead of my previous 66+, and as a bonus I get Mondays off!   So I started the day with a bit of shop maintenance and DIY, but then snuck out to the garage to catchup and get my brain in gear...


For Christmas I treated myself to a few bits ("To Dave from Dave"  ) - two mighty rouble cardon propshafts (Toyota Hilux / Surf front props), another pair of 26 spline side gears, and a Lockright type locker, from VitMods as JimnyBits have delisted the Lunchbox :(


Just got to squeeze this into the front diff then?! (You'll remember the rear diff is "open" (no traction aids) as it's having fiddle brakes...)


That's one big mighty prop! 


And it'll work nicely on a slight angle so that the props can conect to the (rocklobster) transfer box set offset to the left of my seat in the buggy...


Speaking of the transfer box.. a box full   of 410 box transmission drum brakes arrived from my mate who can't be mentioned on this fine forum ;) And I bought new shoes and a cable off another Suzuki friend on Facebook, so that will provide a handbrake, being as the brakes are standard front disks all round....


The only issue with that is the drum has 8mm studs to suit the standard rear 410 prop... which is the wrong PCD for a standard Suzuki (and my Toyota props) which are a wider PCD and 10mm... so I'll order some 10mm gokart splined wheel studs and drill the drum to suit them! 


This will also need machining to suit too... this is the electric reverse drive cog (powered by a starter motor), I'll pass that to my machining friend who used to make Bits4Vits parts but is on the point of retirement but still does the odd job for pocket money... that just needs machining with a tidy face, and the correct PCD holes and grooves / lip indexes as per the example propshaft spacer. shown in the photo. This will sit on the input flange of the transfer box to give a reverse gear... if the buggy ever needs to go backwards  hopefully it will always be going forwards!  A two way winch as per my greenlaning buggy will also assist with this,,,.

I should be able to work out the wheelbase of the buggy soon, by adding two times the axle to end of the monster prop measurements to the total length of the transfer box flange to flange (transmission drum brake), and that will allow me - when the front axle is assembled - to then start on the "chassis" rails - the radius arms will be bolted to the inside of the box section chassis rails so that the buggy eventually has a completely flat bottom...

More soon!


Last edit: 17 Jan 2023 09:34 by X8GGY.
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