# Avatar Rank Username points
361 mxman 22
362 Jimnygirlie 22
363 Smallgun 22
364 Beut834 22
365 Bilko2 22
366 jonnyjimny 22
367 sj_4x4 22
368 NebuliteDavid 22
369 LJ 22
370 johnna 21
371 Shiftingsideways 21
372 Ilikeburgers 21
373 mendi80 21
374 Pixie 21
375 Munro 21
376 Bod 21
377 Martin 21
378 Mcnasty 21
379 ZanJim97 21
380 Porky 21
381 Frosty 21
382 Carlosbeldia 21
383 Chris S 21
384 fluoxethine 20
385 Spitfire9 20
386 BigKally 20
387 MrBigGoat 20
388 MIghty Zuk 20
389 partlion 20
390 Sheepish 19


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