# Avatar Rank Username points
271 Porthos 39
272 DavidEdie01 38
273 Stevekennedy 38
274 roughnready 38
275 Dorbs 37
276 steele 37
277 Ponamore 37
278 manyskills 36
279 sookie 36
280 pim123 36
281 1tamad 36
282 ObsessiveMonk 35
283 redoregan 35
284 Mescort 35
285 Ht03 35
286 Snakeeyes89 34
287 Woodsman 34
288 Jethro 34
289 PeterH 33
290 Jezza 33
291 vinpoldo 33
292 Dimitris 33
293 Rotorbug 32
294 Alastair 32
295 Kiwi38 32
296 Tal 32
297 Judder 32
298 passy 32
299 William1299 31
300 bluejimnybestjimny 31


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